Dinosaurs in Sanskrit

 Dinosaurs in Sanskrit

Dinosaurs are those creatures of the clase Dinosauria, known for having their legs straight down from the hips. Fun fact, dinosaurs are alive, we call them birds! The name Dinosaur means "terrible lizard", which is a misnomer as they are not lizards. They are more closely related to crocodiles, but that relation is distant. For this reason, a fitting name for dinosaur, as per my taxonomic naming system, is "अपनक्र​" or "भीमापनक्र​", where "भीम" means "terrible".Then everytime we want to use the suffix "-saurus" like "stegosaurus", we use "-अपनक्र" as a suffix. 

For the suffix "raptor", we will use "ग्राहिन्" for a raptor is anything that catches its prey by "grasping". We may use suffix "घोरापनक्र​" or simply "घोर" for any ferocious dinosaur like T.Rex or Spinosaurus.    

There are two main clades of dinosaurs, Saurischia (lizard hipped) and Ornithischia (bid hipped). Ironically, modern birds are of the lizard hipped clase Saurischia. To avoid this irony, we will name Saurischia as "frontward pelvis" or प्राग्जघनास्थि and Ornithischia as "backward (pointing) pelvis" or पृष्ठजघनास्थि



The first clade we will look into is in the Saurischian clade, and that clade is Sauropoda, which means "lizard foot". but a better name is like "elephant foot" for those legs look like the tall and thick legs of elephants. So गजपादपनक्र​. Alternatively, we can call them "pillar legs" for a similar reason so, स्कंभपादपनक्र​. A short hand for these two may be गजपादिन् or स्कंभपादिन्.

There are three famous dinosaurs that I can think of from this clade: Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, and Apatosaurus.

Brachiosaurus is the one with the tall neck that is vertical. Thus उच्चग्रीवापनक्र​ or उच्चग्रीविन् as a short hand.

Brontosaurus is like Brachiosaurus, except its neck is horizontal, so it is long as opposed to tall. Thus दीर्घग्रीवापनक्र​ or दीर्घग्रीविन् as a short hand. 

Apatosaurus is like the Brachiosaurus, but with a thicker neck. Thus सथूलोच्चग्रीवापनक्र​ or सथूलोच्चग्रीविन्.


The next is the famous theropods. The name means "beast foot", so a good Sanskrit translation is क्रूरपाद​, or we could call them "(having) three toed feet", which is त्र्यङ्गुलपाद​.

Now let us name the famous dinosaurs.

The first is Tyranosaurus, which means "tyyrant lizard". We will call it "kingly dinosaur", which would be नृपापनक्र. Sine it is a ferocious looking dinosaur, we could go for नृपघोरापनक्र or​नृपघोर

For Allosaurus will now deviate from the Greek translation of "different lizard" and call it "lordly dinosaur" , which would be ईशापनक्र. Again because it is a ferocious dinosaur, ईशघोरापनक्र or ईशघोर

Now for Spinosaurus, we will call it "dinosaur with a sail (on its back)" , so ​ (पृष्ठ​)पताक्यपनक्र or  (पृष्ठ​)पताकिघोर or (पृष्ठ​)पताकिघोरापनक्र.​

For Giganatosaurusविशालापनक्र or विशालघोरापनक्र or विशालघोर.

For Rajasaurus (a dinosaur found in India), it is राजापनक्र or राजघोरापनक्र​ or राजघोर.

Coming to the raptors. We have Veloceraptor, which will be वेगग्राहिन्. The Deinonychus (which is like what the "veloceraptors" in Jurrasic Park franchises actually are) is known for its "terrible claw" (hence the name). Thus घोरनकग्राहिन्. The final of the Dromaeosaurids we will cover is Microraptor, which will simply be rendered as स्तोकग्राहिन्. By the way, family Dromaeosauridae is ग्राह्यपनक्रमय​ ("consisting of raptors"). 

Finally, the bird ancestor dinosaurs. These are the Aviale clade, which I will call पक्ष्याकृतिArcheopterix is "old bird" so प्राच्यपतत्रिन्. Arichiornis is  पुरापतत्रिन्.

By the way, the Paraves clade is पक्षिदृश्.


This clade includes Stegasaurus and Triceratops. A Stegasaurus is so named for its plates on its back. Thus फलाल्यपनक्र​ or फलालीपृष्ठ​(-अपनक्र​).

Finally the "ceratops" dinosaurs which literally means "horned face", but I think "horned head" is a better fit, so शृङ्गकपाल​. Thus a Triceratops is त्रिशृङ्गकपाल​ or त्रिशृङ्गकपालिन्. 


Dinosaurअपनक्र​ or भीमापनक्र


    Sauropoda:गजपादपनक्र​/गजपादिन् or स्कंभपादपनक्र/स्कंभपादिन्
        Brachiosaurus: उच्चग्रीवापनक्र​ or उच्चग्रीविन्
        Brontosaurus: दीर्घग्रीवापनक्र​ or दीर्घग्रीविन्
        Apatosaurus:  सथूलोच्चग्रीवापनक्र​ or सथूलोच्चग्रीविन्

    Therapoda:क्रूरपाद​ or त्र्यङ्गुलपाद
        Tyranosaurus:  नृपापनक्र or नृपघोरापनक्र or ​नृपघोर
        Allosaurus: ईशापनक्र or ईशघोरापनक्र or ईशघोर
        Spinosaurus:  (पृष्ठ​)पताक्यपनक्र or  (पृष्ठ​)पताकिघोर or (पृष्ठ​)पताकिघोरापनक्र.​
        Giganatosaurus: विशालापनक्र or विशालघोरापनक्र or विशालघोर
        Rajasaurus:  राजापनक्र or राजघोरापनक्र​ or राजघोर

                Deinonychus: घोरनकग्राहिन्
                Velociraptor: वेगग्राहिन्
                Microraptor: स्तोकग्राहिन्
            Aviale: पक्ष्याकृति
                Arichionis: पुरापतत्रिन्
                Archeopterix: प्राच्यपतत्रिन्


           Stegasaurus: फलाल्यपनक्र​ or फलालीपृष्ठ​(-अपनक्र​)

            Triceratops: त्रिशृङ्गकपाल​ or त्रिशृङ्गकपालिन्.


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