Some Machine Terms

 Some Machine Terms in Sanskrit

Some terms like fan, gear, lever, or thruster are very simple technological terms that are likely absent in many Indian languages, which use the English terms. I am about to change that by introducing Sanskrit terms for this. This is actually easier than thought, because we have Sanskrit texts that deal mechanical contrivances (Samarangana Sutradhara, Chapter 31), and end up using Sanskrit terms. Of course, other times, I have to coin the words. the Spoken Sanskrit Dictionary has also coined words. With that let us go. 

Simple Mechencial Devices:

A gear is a famous simple machine, which is essentially a wheel with teeth. Appropriately, I will call it दन्तिचक्र​, or "teethed wheel". 

Flaps are a sheet like thing, especially those found on airplanes. They are mentioned in the Samarangana Sutradhara, as गजकर्ण​, which literally means "elephant ear", as flaps are like the ears of an elephant. For that matter a bellow is दृति, and a fan is a वीजन​. For than matter, I think a spinning fan, i.e. a turbine, should be "spinning fan" or भ्रमवीजन​. 

A Panel could be फलक​, which means "plank", "slab", or "board". 

Slightly Complex Items

The Spoken Sanskrit Sictionary gives motorbike as ईर्यचक्रिका, where ईर्य it supposed to be "motor", but more like "active" or "excited" or "instigating". A similar Sanskrit word is इर्य ( vs )​. Thus, I shall call a regular Motor as ईर्ययन्त्र​ or र्ययन्त्र. The same word can mean an engine.

A laser is a light that is made to go in a straigth line. The Spoken Sanskrit Dictionary gives it as पराम्शु or प्राम्शु. Both words on their own usually mean "lofty: or "of greast stature", but here there seems to be an emphasis on the word अंशु, meaning "ray of light". A better word could be "dense light" or घनाम्शु. All three words would refer to the laser light. The machine that emits the laser beam is प्राम्शुयन्त्र or घनाम्शुयन्त्र​. 

A Sensor is a device that senses something. I could use words like स्पर्श, अनुभव, or सम्वेद​ to denote "sensing". Thus a Sensor is स्पर्शयन्त्र​, अनुभवयन्त्र​, or सम्वेद​यन्त्र​. A sensor that scans a feild would be a गोचरयन्त्र​. We can also use the words' verbal roots and add the suffix -त्र​ to them. So स्पर्शित्र, अनुभोत्र or संवेत्त्र​.

A Transmitter is something that sends a message or singnal, so it is प्रेषित्र. I think modern Indian languages, like Hindi, uses this word or a version of it. A Reciever is ग्राहक​, and I got it from the Vemuri Telugu dictionary.

From this, SONAR is just using sound to map out objects in a feild range. Thus a SONAR feild is  ध्वनिगोचर. SONAR as as a system is ध्वनिसम्वेदयुक्ति, or "the use of sensors of sound".

RADAR is given in the Spoken Sanskrit dictionary as "तेजोन्वेष", which means "finding fire/heat". A better word is "किरणान्वेष​", meanign "finding by radiation", where किरण means "a ray of light", but now meaning "ray of radation" or "radiation". 

For a thruster on a plane, we can call it प्रतिनोदकयन्त्र​, where प्रतिनोद is our word for thrust. Another word would would be प्रतिनोत्र​

Other Terms

For mechines, automatic is, as recorded in the Samarangana Sutradharaस्वयम्वाहक​. Autopilot is स्वयञ्चलत्(त्)-संविधा. Autopiloting as an adjective is just स्वयञ्चल(त्)

A Malfunction is दुर्वृत्ति or "bad conduct". Malfunctioning is दुर्वृत्त​. 

Final Glossary:

Automatic: स्वयम्वाहक

Autopilot: स्वयञ्चल(त्)-संविधा

Autopiloting (adjective): स्वयञ्चल(त्)

Flap: गजकर्ण

Gear: दन्तिचक्र

Laser Ligher: पराम्शु or प्राम्शु.

Laser Machine: प्राम्शुयन्त्र or घनाम्शुयन्त्र

Malfunction: दुर्वृत्ति 

Malfunctioning: दुर्वृत्त

Motor: ईर्ययन्त्र​ or र्ययन्त्र

Panel: फलक

RADAR: किरणान्वेष

Receiver: ग्राहक

Sensor: स्पर्शयन्त्र​अनुभवयन्त्र​, or सम्वेद​यन्त्र; स्पर्शित्र, अनुभोत्र or संवेत्त्र

SONAR: ध्वनिसम्वेदयुक्ति

SONAR Feild: ध्वनिगोचर

Thruster: प्रतिनोदकयन्त्र or प्रतिनोत्र

Transmitter: प्रेषित्र


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