Crocodilian Taxonomy

Corocdilian Taxonomy in Sanskrit

I will name the crocodilian groups into Sanskrit. Crocodylia is the order of reptiles that include crocodiles, alligators, gharials, and caimans.  They are a very cool species that have been around since the dinosaurs. Being of the group Archosauria, they are more closely related to birds than to lizards. 

Crocodiles have a notable imprtance in Indian culture, with the legendary Makara, being based on a crocodile. Infact the word makara often refers to a crocodile when it is not being used for the legendary animal.

The crocodile is found in Indus Valley Seals and in later history, is found a place in the Bhagavatam, namely in the Gajendra Moksha story. 

Below is the phylogenetic tree for the Crocodilians. This is not how you draw a phylogenetic tree, but I did it this way for convenience.

Now let us begin. So we all probably know that crocodiles are different from alligators. For the fourmer, they have long V-shaped snouts and the fourth bottom tooth is visible when its mouth is closed. For the lalter, they have a broader U-shaped snouts and have their fouth bottom tooth hidden when the mouth is clsoed. 

Now in India, there are no alligators, only crocodiles, so Indian langauges don't have a word for alligator. This is why, in this Indian system, a "crocodile" will refer to all members in the order Crocodilia, which is including alligators. 

We won't be using the word makara, for crocodilia, because the makara is a legendary creature which may be just a crocodile, but seems to also have in part elements of the ganges river dolphin. The word we are going to use is less ambigous, whcih is नक्र​.

The next is the Aligatoroidae which includes alligators and caimans. These individuals are charecterised by their wide snout. Thus I will call them "wide mouth crocodile", which is उर्वासनक्र​. Since it is a superfamily, it would be उर्वासनक्ररूप​. The family Aligatoridae, which consists of the living species, is सूर्वासनक्रमय

Now, this group is split into two subfamilies, the actual Alligators and the Caimains. The former is charecterised by their snout which is wider than that of a caiman. So I will call them "wide snout crocodile", but with the word पृथु instead of उरु. Thus, पृथ्वासनक्र​. Since it is a subfamily, पृथ्वासनक्रात्मक​.

Caimans are the subfamily next to the alligators. Thus उपपृथ्वासनक्र​. Since it is a subfamily, उपपृथ्वासनक्रात्मक​.

Next comes to the Crocodiles and Gharials, which are a part of the clade Longirostres, which means "long snout". I will call them "narrow snout crocodile" or सङ्कटासनक्र​. Since this is a clade, there is no ending. 

With in that are the Crocodyloidae and Ghavialoidae, which are the Crocodiles and Gharials, repsectively. For the former, I chose सुनक्रदृशरूप​, becuase the family Crocodylidae is सुनक्रमय. The Gharial is easy to name as the word is from the Sanskrit: घण्टिक. Thus Ghavialoidae is घण्टिकरूप​. The family Ghavialidae is सुघण्टिकमय​.


II have rendered the Crocodilian taxas into Sanskrit. Here is the cladogram of them all: 

                Caimaninae: उपपृथ्वासनक्रात्मक
                Aligatorinae: पृथ्वासनक्रात्मक
            Crocodylidae: सुनक्रमय
            Ghavialidae: सुघण्टिकमय



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