Anseriforme Taxonomy


Anseriforme Taxonomy in Sanskrit

I will name the Ducks and Goose and Swan clades and families into Sanskrit. While doing so, I will also coin new words for some of the Anseriformes. I will also touch upon the issue of Swan vs Goose regaridng the word हंस​. Ducks, Geese, and Swans, and Screemers beling to the order Anserfiformes. These birds are known for their aquatic life style, and spoon shappened bills (expection being the Screemerss).  

I also refer to the Elfrune Linke Bird dictionary:

Below is the Phylogentic tree for Anseriformes. Again not how you draw one, but I drew it this way for convenience:

The Sanskrit word 
हंस is usually translted as Swan, but scholars are debating as to whetehr this word refers to a a Swan or a white goose. The word "हंस" is cognate to thw word "goose". Swans are found in India though not too much. Given that हंस is suppsoed to invoke a sense of elegence, I will translate it as swan. The word for goose will be कलहंस, as found in the Efrune Linke dictionary. This word refers to one type of goose, but I am going to generalize it to all types of geese.  

Now Ducks aren't actually a specific monophyletic group, but refer to various Anseriformes that look like Ducks. Mallard ducks, which you could regard as a "true duck", for example are more closely ralted to geese and swans that to the Whistiling suck. However, both belong to the the superfamily Anatoidae. I have therefore decided to consider geese and swans as Ducks. In Sanskrit Duck is कादम्ब​. Anatoidae therefore is कादम्बरूप​. Anatidae is सुकादम्बमय. Anatinae is अतिकादम्बात्मक​. In my taxonomy system, if taxonomy ranks have the same root word , like in thes case here, we use the prefixes "सु-".for the family and "अति-" for the subfamily 

Now, on to Anserinae, or Swans and Geese. If swan is हंस, and goose is कलहंस, then I want a more neutral name for the subfamily. How about मराल? Yes it usually also is translated swan, since we have an established word for swan, we can broaden this word's scope. Hence Ansierinae is मरालात्मक

Now on to Screamers, which are a basal anserforme. These birds are found in South America, so we won't have a Sanskrit name for them. However, we can make one​. They resemble ducks (कादम्बाकृति) and have a loud scream (रव), so रवकादम्बाकृति. For coloquial use, we can call them रवकादम्बा or "screming duck", though they are not true ducks as per my taxonomy naming system. Screamers belong to the suborder Anhime and specficially the family Ahimidae. So  रवकादम्बाकृति is the suborder name and सुरवकादम्बाकृतिमय​ is the family name. 

And the order name Anseriformes will be named after the Duck, using the ending आकृति. So कादम्बाकृतिपक्षिन्, with  पक्षिन् is the ending for bird orders. 


I have named the Anseriforme groups broadly. I may go into depth later. Here is the Sanskrit cladogram:

Anseriformes: कादम्बाकृतिपक्षिन्

                Anhimidae: रवकादम्बाकृति


                    Anatinae: अतिकादम्बात्मक​​

                    Swans: हंस


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