Quantum Mechanics Terms in Sanskrit
Quantum Mechanics Terms in Sanskrit So in this blog, I will be going over some basic Quantum Mechanics related terms in Sanskrit. Quantum Mechanics is essentially dealing with extremely small things, namely with the fact that a particle can be a wave at the same time. Quantum Mechanics is a complex feild, which is why I will be trnalsting only the basic terms into Sanskrit. Quantum Mechanics is noted for the fact that it deals with discrete quantities. You can have one particle or two particles, but not 1 and half particles. So Quantum is better understood as discrete , which in Sanskirt is पृथक् . So Quantum Mechanics is पृथक्त्वभौतिक , which is better translated as "Quantum Physics". Now, let us start with the particle , which in Sanskrit is just कण . A wave is just ऊर्मि or ऊर्मिका . Since particles are also waves, if we want, we can make a signle word for such an "entity". I suggest: कणोर्मि , कणोर्मिका , or ...